

Fondo Forestale Italiano is an italian private foundation 


We preserve biodiversity by protecting forests, leaving them to evolve without cutting or other human intervention, for the benefit of animal and plant life and biodiversity. With the same philosophy, we do land restoration.


We are convinced that the real value of forests today is not economic but environmental, since integral forest conservation counteracts climate change and hydrogeological instability, curbs land consumption and preserves beauty.


We use private property to ensure that there is no human intervention in our forests. We give away neither forests nor shares of their ecosystem services

With Whom

We wish to collaborate with Universities and Research Institutions for study activities that do not involve alterations to the state of the forests.
We may give land on free loan on use to Associations and Institutions for activities that do not include alterations to the state of the forests and that are carried out under the supervision of the FFI.

Support us!

What we do is expensive and does not provide economic revenue, so the expansion of areas protected by the Italian Forest Fund is only possible through donations of money and land from individuals and companies

The network of Fondo Forestale Italiano

click to see them on Google Earth
hectares of forest preserved by FFI in its 37 properties
tCO₂ sinked each year
by our forests
hectares of forest preserved by 46 affiliated owners
tCO₂e sinked each year
by affiliated forests

some of those who donated forests to us

vignetta di Boligan
This beautiful vignette by Boligán represents the work of the FFI well: by saving the forests from being cut down, we are like a Noah's ark for wild animals.

Mario Tozzi joined FFI

Support our action

The work of the Italian Forestry Fund is a bridge that our generation builds towards the next generation, but what we do is expensive and does not bring financial returns, so the expansion of the areas protected by the Italian Forestry Fund is only possible thanks to donations of money and land from private individuals and companies

Donate your 5x1000 to the FFI

(if you pay taxes in Italy) it costs you nothing: write CF 91030740608

donate land

The FFI will never execute or authorise cuts in it

Affiliate land

You will become part of a community of people who, like you, are willing to deprive themselves of financial gain for the love of nature

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