About us

The foundation FFI ETS is made of Participants:
- Partners
they seat in the Steering Council (Consiglio d’Indirizzo, CdI) and they ca nbe elected to the Board of Directors (Consiglio di Amministrazione, CdA) - Enrolled (Iscritti)
they contribute to financing the foudation by their annual fee. - Volunteers (volontari)
they are Enrolled who do voluntary and free activities for FFI - Affiliated (affiliati)
terrain owners who have affilated to FFI some of their terrains
While Partners are defined in the By-law (Statuto), Enrolled, Volunteers and Affiliated ere defined in the Fund Regulation (regolamento)

Claudio Capitini
BOD member, land surveyor, with studies in Agroecology and biodynamics, literature degree on the history of agriculture and food, practitioner of Natural farming.

Emanuele Lombardi
creator and president of FFI, an industrial expert in computer science who has always been passionate about nature and the environment

Cristiano Manni
BOD member, doctor of forestry

Pietro Micaroni
BOD member, retired physician, originator of the affiliation and first FFI affiliate

Luciano Schiazza
BOD member

Simone Scarselli
BOD member, freelance surveyor
Our history
The association Fondo Forestale Italiano was born on June 2018 and it as soon got the status of ONLUS (which is an italian acronym for "charity") . On 28 April 2023, the association was transformed into a foundation, taking into its assets the forests it had acquired or received as a gift in the meantime.